Saturday, December 8, 2012

How does God Love? How Should we Love?

What is true love?

I've been think along these lines a lot lately... God is our greatest example of how we as believers should love. He sent His ONLY Son, Jesus, to the world to die for people. He made this great display of His love by giving something of greatest value to Him, EVEN with the foreknowledge that many men would reject, curse, ignore, and abuse His love.... Yet, He STILL loved the World enough to follow through with such a marvelous act of True, Unconditional love!

Just like God faced the rejection of His vast and powerful love by people, when we seek to love people the way God loved us, we will face rejection, abuse, cursing, and such of our love.... They did it to God, how should we expect them not to do it to us.... People with disappoint you, break your heart, reject you.... But you have to LOVE them anyway, after all that's what the true God kind of love is!

Never let others cause you to diminish your capacity to love because of heart break, always allow those things to INCREASE your capacity to love! Hurt people hurt people, know the reason they're hurting you is because deep down inside they themselves are hurting, and that is when they need your love most... Even if you have to love them from a distance!

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