Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Ordained Place!

Driving around today, I have been listening to OLD music from early Charismatic/Word of Faith days, stuff I grew up listening to at Winter Bible Seminars, Camp meetings, All Faiths Crusades, Believers Conferences, and so forth. As I was singing along I was amazed at how after so many years the lyrics are still as fresh in my mind as they were they day I sang them all the time. Then I believe that what happened next was more than me just drifting back down "memory lane" I honestly believe God brought things to remembrance, that had almost been forgotten, to show me something.

Listening to the songs God reminded me of my childhood. Being a pastor's daughter I spent MANY hours in the church outside of service times because my parents would have work to do and counseling appointments and at the time we were too young to be left at home, so they brought us with them to the church. (And just a side note: THANK YOU daddy & mommy for having us around church and the things of God as much as possible!) Anyway, being in the church for hours as young children there isn't much to do, so me being the oldest I would organize something imaginative for us to do and my two little guinea pigs--errrr--I--mean--uh--siblings would follow my lead. And what fun event would we choose to do? Well the one thing we were always surrounded by, we would have an imaginative camp meeting service.
I would stand on the platform and exhort to my younger siblings and sometimes any other young children I could find in the church and I would lead worship singing anointed songs that I heard adult music ministers sing. Then I'd pull out the Bible and preach something I had heard my dad say about faith and the blood of Jesus and then we would have a healing line, I'd ask anyone who was battling sickness to come down for prayer and one sibling would be an usher and the other would come forward for prayer. I would lay hands on them while I prayed for them and they would fall back like the anointing hit them. Many would say, oh well you were just imitating what you saw on a regular basis. Well, yes there is some truth to that, but I believe there is something more than just that.

I believe that I was through my childhood imagination operating out of a deep desire to do what God placed on my heart. He provided a grace inside of me before I was born to walk in the calling he destined me to be in. Little did I know as a child when I was "playing" church that 20 years later, along with my brother and sister, I would be standing on that same platform as an adult leading His people into His presence! I am reminded of a story I heard Kenneth E. Hagin share. He talked about when He was a young child people would ask His older brother what he wanted to be and like most young boys his brother wanted to be a cowboy, but Brother Hagin said, "I gonna be a p'eacher" (preacher) and he would "p'each" to the cabbage heads and any other inanimate object he could find. You see when God calls you, even as a child you are sensitive and aware of a desire to be what He has called you to be, you may not fully understand it but you are aware of that desire. Sometimes, as we get older we forget those things and become focused on what others tell us we should do with our life, but that call is always sitting on the inside of us like a seed waiting to bloom!

I say all this to encourage you to not give up on the things you "imagined" yourself doing as a child. God has provided graces in your life for your ordained place and as you step out in faith towards those things He has called you to do you will see an increase in the anointing in that place. As you step into your calling He will give you a greater ability and discernment in the area He has called you to walk in!

So step out in faith and discover the calling God has placed on the inside of you!

Be Blessed!


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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