Monday, November 26, 2012

GO! ~ Don't let bumps in the road knock you off track!

In life, there are obstacles that will try to knock you off track, get your focus off of the destiny before you, and even hold you down from the greatness you were born to achieve.

Rather than wasting your time pining for the "wrong things" that you thought were "right things" that just failed and didn't work out, get your game-face on and focus on what you DO know! Focus on completing the last direction you got from God, and trust that at the right time, He will reveal the next step in the journey!

All the things you have inside you, all the unfulfilled dreams, and even unborn dreams and desires, are waiting to be unveiled along that path, in HIS perfect and divine timing! Never let the emotions of a small pain, create a mountain to distract you from the beautiful future and destiny that awaits you!!!!

There are people waiting for YOU to deliver the gospel inside you to them! They're waiting for you, so are you going to let petty situations rob them of the gift you have to bring them???? I don't know about you, but I'm sure not! I'm moving up to a higher place and moving down the path He's set before me! No looking back, I'm looking forward with great expectation to the beautiful future that awaits me! I've never been more full of hope than I am right now!

Sometimes, it takes unexpected bumps in the road, to wake you up so you can focus on the road more clearly! Well, I'm focusing! I know who I am, I'm not making any stops, I'm going ahead to where I'm supposed to be! :-)


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