
Saturday, February 18, 2012

True Love Starts as True Friendship!

“Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with” ~ Gillian Anderson

There is such truth in this quote. I once read that, "True love is a friendship set on fire by God." I was a teenager when I first laid hold of that quote and never truly grasped the depth of it, until recently.

In our day and age, young people try so hard to make someone like them so they can "date," before they ever truly know that person. We change our hairstyle/color, clothes, fitness level, even change our likes to match that persons all in an effort to win a few dates with them.... But then utter failure comes as you have created something based on false advertisement.

Being in my mid-twenties and single, I am not an expert on love and marriage, but I have learned a lot through the years, through personal experience and observation. Our first problem is that we seek after "romance" rather than seeking after God, but that is a whole other topic. ;) Apart from that we try so hard to make a guy/girl like us because we like the way they look or the way they act. Sounds rather superficial doesn't it? But that is what we do all the time!
Sad thing is we do all this trying to get someone's attention so they will date us and, if we get lucky and they do date us, I can guarantee you it won't last more than a few months and you'll be single and lonely again with a broken heart for company. Not a good place to be.

How do we avoid this? Well, the answer is simple, seek to know people as friends. Get to know their heart, what makes them tick, their passions, their dreams, etc. If you get to know people in friendship only first, you will learn a lot about them beyond their pretty smile or mesmerizing eyes. And that person that you had a huge crush on because of their smile, if you seek to know them as a friend first, you may learn that, if you're honest with yourself, they could never be the perfect spouse for you or the father/mother you'd want raising your kids. It is so much better to find those things out about a person BEFORE romance enters the equation, it will save you so much time and heartache if you do! Trust me!

If you seek friendship first, you may find one day that a person you least expected has become more to you than simply a friend. That he/she, as you've know them and their heart and dreams, is truly everything you've dreamed of and more, that they are your destiny divinely orchestrated by God. And you will see that what began as simply friendship was set on fire by God to become the true love you've dreamed of!!!


Originally Written: October 29, 2011

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