
Saturday, February 18, 2012

In the Midnight Hour

In the Midnight Hour
Written: October 31, 2011

Tonight, I am just so thankful for the Word of God and the knowledge of the Authority of the Believer. I am so thankful for having grown up in a Rhema graduate's home and basically attending Rhema my whole life. So thankful that rather than fun, silly music about the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" my parents raised us on David Ingles, Rhema Singers and Band, Shekinah Glory, SuperKids, and other faith-filled music because we needed it last night!

Last night right around midnight I went into my sister's room to check on her because she hadn't been feeling well. When I went in and saw her, it was obvious something was not right. She was burning up with fever, but she was shivering like someone with hypothermia and saying she was freezing, yet her head and body were on fire. Her hands, feet, and lower legs were white as snow and had no warmth, they literally felt like ice. If I touched her, she said it hurt and she said her stomach felt terrible, her head felt like it was going to explode, and she just hurt and ached all over. I am not going to lie, at that moment fear began to take hold of my mind, but something on the inside stirred and I knew what she needed. I laid my hands on her and spoke the Word over her body. I went into my room still not at peace with the circumstances and knew I needed to call my parents to let them know what was going on.

After explaining everything and praying for her and discussing the details of her symptoms, it was decided that she needed to go to the ER. I contacted a friend to help me take her and we were on our way. I was standing in faith, but more than ever before in my life. We are halfway across the country, my parents weren't physically there for me to lean on, and I was responsible for Shannon in that moment. On the inside, a battle was raging between my Spirit and the fear trying to grip my mind. I texted my spiritual mother, because I knew I needed help and someone who knew how to pray. We got in the ER and began filling out paper work and I wanted to cry, at that moment I received a phone call from my spiritual mom and some of the first words were "Jessica, all is well! ....We are calling everything to line up!..." And she went on to speak the Word and something on the inside exploded, an inner strength and a fresh faith! Then I put Shannon on the phone and she spoke over the attack on Shannon's body.

I completed the paperwork and turned it in. In no time we were called back and getting her checked out. Fear tried to stick up his nasty head once again as the doctor mentioned that he thinks it could be Meningitis or a Brain Hemmorage, immediately I cast that fear aside and held on to "All is well!" Out of my spirit rose old songs of faith that I learned as a child at Dad Hagin's meetings and such. Every time the doctor left the room to have tests done and as my sister laid on that hospital bed looking like death warmed over twice, I sang those songs and filled that room with an atmosphere of faith and the presence of God.

Shannon's appearance DRASTICALLY increased in no time! And when the doctor ruled out the really bad reports, he began saying it must be a REALLY bad case of the flu and he was going to test her for that. He left the room and this time Shannon (who was now sitting up indian style on the bed) sang along with me to David Ingles' song "I've never heard of a heavenly flu, have you? Have you? ... I've heard about Asian, I've heard about Swine, I've heard about Hong Kong, but THEY'RE NOT MINE!!!!"

We waited for results to more tests, keeping hold in our hearts that "All is well!", and then the Doctor came in and said, "Well, there's no medical explanation for why you feel the way you do. I can't explain it, but everything I've thought it is has turned out negative, so all I can figure is you've just picked up some nasty virus. I'll write you some prescriptions for some medicine to help with the symptoms and you should stay in bed for the next 24-48 hours." he gave further instructions and told us he was releasing Shannon.

All I could do was stand there with the realization that faith works! All that had been put into me growing up by my parents, the truths my dad learned at RBTC and raised us under, the music of faith they raised us on, and the things I've learned in the short months I've been here at RBTC - all are the reason that in the midnight hour, when things looked dark and faith seemed weak and victory lost... We were able to stand on the Word, speak faith, speak the life of God into Shannon's life and body, and take the thoughts of fear captive and come out with a story of VICTORY!

All I can say is that the Word is true and faith WORKS! When you call on Him in the midnight hour, HeWILL answer your call... It is just that simple!

This was Shannon beginning to look BETTER in the ER. 

1 comment:

  1. Remembering this post last year and rejoicing with you as you celebrate with her this year! Happy Birthday Shannon! Love to you both! <3 <3 Joan
