
Friday, November 9, 2012

Young Women, you are much more than your bodies!

Christian Women ~ Something is very wrong if all our speech is about who the "sexiest" guy in Hollywood is and what we want to do with him. And something is really wrong if in every conversation, FB, social setting of any kind you talk about you can't wait to get married so you can have "fun" with your spouse. If that's all you find yourself talking about, all the time, with everyone you come in contact with, you may need to do some serious heart checking. We are called to be godly women, and when we portray such worldly beliefs and behavior, especially in such a public manner.... We are no different than the world! Yes, sex in the covenant of marriage with your spouse is supposed to be something beautiful and something to look forward to. But if that's all you base your marriage upon, you're going to have a rocky road ahead of you. And if that's all you can think about, chances are you won't be making it to your wedding pure. Our focus should not be on the consummation of our future marriage, nor should it be in drooling over Hollywood star so and so! Our focus should be on things from above, building relationships based on knowing the person's heart, dreams, vision for the future, and so forth. Our focus should be on living a life of purity! Our focus should not be on "what type of reaction will this outfit or makeup get me from guys?" But rather, "does the image I'm presenting of myself cause my brother in Christ or friend to have impure thoughts about me??? Am I causing him to fall in his thought life??"

Young Women, you are much more than your bodies! That's not where your worth lies! Your worth and value lie in who you are! The physical will fade, and if you've put all your energy into things pertaining to physical image, "pleasure," and so forth.... You will find a very lonely, worthless, empty life the older you get! But when you put your energy into improving the things that will never fade...inner beauty, love walk, compassion, servant hood, being a perfect helpmate and mother, etc.... You will find a life of fulfillment, true happiness, and pleasure greater than anything some stupid guy can give you!

Women of God, wake up and take a stand! Today is the day to live as pure, holy, and might women of God and set an example for others to follow!

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