
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who I See in You

I accidentally stumbled across this on a random blog on the internet and it just blessed me and spoke to me and my current state! I just love how God uses these "accidents" to speak to us! I think this is so beautiful and inspiring! So, I thought I would share it with all my young single girls! Please pass this along! :)

God has designed you to be a Queen, not a pauper! So wait for your King, don't settle for anything less! God has destined you to be so much more than you give yourself credit for! Be shaped and molded by HIS image of you! 

Who I See in You
(I have no idea who this is by, if anyone knows please let me know!)

She is elegant and graceful and her beauty is like the rarest of pearls. Her beauty is rare only because the deepest part of it lies in the depth of her character. It is rare because it is not flaunted for the attraction of men, for that beauty is shallow and self serving, and for that reason it is not beauty at all. Her beauty is so awesome that she doesn’t even have to be physcially endowed to be wonderfully attractive. She does not try to seduce or beguile because true beauty needs no help in honest attraction.

Grace leaps from her tongue like clear water from a beautiful waterfall.Her words are used to heal, to build up, and to edify. Her words are used to serve and cheer on and she is too important for games of gossip. She is confident on the days when her hair is not fixed to look its best and her make-up doesnt cover all of her flaws. Her humble confidence doesn’t lie simply in what she looks like, for even on her worst days she knows who she is.

She is elegant and proud to be the entire woman she can be because she understands that genuine feminitity has its own fragrance. She does not compare or compete with anyone because any truly confident woman doesn not need to. She does not have to be like anyone else, she celebrates her own individuality understanding that every beautifully created woman like the different flowers, has their own aroma. She has her own spice and her personality offers its own flavor ans she loves herself because she loves her God.
Her worship is true and flows from the vulnerability, senstivity, and weakness that only the feminine heart can offer. She does not flaunt her spirituality or her God -given gifts or talents because she knows that she has them only to serve. She does not hide in her spirituality because she feels rejected, fearful, or unattractive. She simply worships because she loves her God.

This darling of a princess realizes that she is being raised to be a Queen.She does not invest or spend herself just anywhere. A Queen only gives herself to a King, so if any man wants a chance at having her at his side, he will have to hold the standard of a King. She will not allow her lonlieness as a woman to cause her to jump into any man’s embrace. A woman who does this has yet to know who she is; nor does she truly know of her inheritance from her loving heavenly Father. She should not regret the emotional essence given to her by her bountiful Creator. There is a compassionate sparkle in her eye and she gleams with potential. Her smile is as sincere felt as her pain. She can express her hurt just as well as she can express her joy.

Because she is truly beautiful she inspires respect without demanding it. She is clothed in humility and attempts to dress herself morning by morning in purity of heart. The heart of a godly man is being prepared to receive her as an invaluable gift. The tender hands of your heavenly Father are delicately stroking the inner fibers of your being. He is changing your character and your contenance because you are His glorious inheritance. This beautiful woman lies in the budding of a beautiful rose. Stay faithful, and ever becoming beautiful!

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