
Monday, December 2, 2013

Thought of the Day:

Rich is the man who cultivates love in his family and passes it on to the generations that follow. Poor is the man who cultivates hate and strife in his family to be carried on for generations. Will you leave a legacy of hate or a legacy of love? 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS: He's not doing his job.

LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS: He's not doing his job.

Even the best of leaders can't do it all on their own. Yes, many of us expect them to, and why not? That's all they have to do anyway, right? Its often easy to put the blame up the chain of command. In thinking on this common "leadership problem" that I've seen in churches I've traveled to and served in, i am reminded of Exodus 17:12. Moses, the leader of Israel who had been used by God to perform the most amazing miracles in Egypt, used to split the Sea, and countless other events, reached a point where he was unable to carry the weight of his duties. What happened? Rather than seeing it as a Leadership Problem, Aaron and Hur saw it as their problem. They found a stone to sit Moses on and held his hands up till victory was in hand. The lesson of this story? We have no idea the weight or burden our leaders face to help us live in victory when the battle comes. So, rather than blaming them for things not happening in the time frame we see fit or happening how we think it should happen, lets take the initiative and support them when their strength is waning and take hold of the victory together! How much more rewarding it is to have had a part to play in acquiring the victory along side your leader, than the condemnation in your heart of wishing you had done more to prevent failure!

"Joshua did what Moses ordered in order to fight Amalek. And Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill. It turned out that whenever Moses raised his hands, Israel was winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, Amalek was winning. But Moses’ hands got tired. So they got a stone and set it under him. He sat on it and Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on each side. So his hands remained steady until the sun went down. Joshua defeated Amalek and its army in battle." - Exodus 17:10-13 MSG

Do you see only leadership problems OR do you see leadership support opportunities?

Choose to be an Aaron or Hur and not a grumbler! :)

Supporting my leaders.

Monday, September 16, 2013

What Type of Wake are You Leaving?

In our lives we cross paths with all types of people. There are the ones that leave you with nothing but pleasant memories, inspiration to be a better person, and those who help you in pursuing your dreams. Then, there are those who leave you in pain, desolate of dreams and hope, and nothing but bitter memories of your time within their sphere of influence.

Upon thinking on this subject and a conversation I had with someone I admire and respect, I was reminded of boating. When you go to a lake, you often encounter different types of boats and water sports around you. You have the people relaxing as they softly row along in their canoe, which seems to leave little evidence of its path as it glides along on its course. To some it may go completely unnoticed, although its presence is there. Then, on the other extreme, you have the speed boats. They (recklessly, in some cases) fly across the surface of the lake. They leave an enormous wake that rocks boats, even ones rather far away that they didn't even pass by. They have left their wake and have rocked all the boats around causing issues to others attempting to follow their course.

Peoples lives are much like this example of boating. You have the "canoes," the ones who are following the course set before them and leave nothing but smooth water for those who cross their wake, even the little ducklings are safe from harm in their wake. These are the ones who love God and love people. They are the individuals who truly exhibit the heart of God. They leave a wake of peace. They haven't overturned lives and haven't even rocked babies in the Lord. But, most importantly, they have left a smooth wake that others can follow behind, the true mark of a true leader and person who exemplifies God's love.

Then, we have the "speed boats," the ones who are going along leaving a negative ripple effect. These are the people that blow through life, knocking others out of the way for their own personal fulfillment. Creating a wake of destruction wherever they go. A "little duckling," wouldn't be safe in the wake of such a passing. These are the people that overturn lives and cause harm wherever they go, because they have failed to realize the importance of the "wake" you leave in the stream life.

In life, the path we leave behind us is as critically important as the path we follow. If we leave nothing but inflicted hurt and destruction to others' lives behind us, have we really succeeded in following God's purpose for our life? I tend to think that is not the mark of success in God's eyes. Many accumulate wealth, use their wealth to fund the church and ministries, but what is their purpose behind it? Is their purpose truly to aid in winning the lost and helping fulfill the purpose of the church OR is it to manipulate the pastor/leader for their own purposes? Church hopping has become customary and acceptable to many. You feel that you stop growing or the church isn't going the direction you deemed appropriate for it to go, so you pack up, pull your money, and go down the road. Yet, you don't realize the devastation you've left behind by your immaturity to see things the way God sees them, and to submit where agreement ends. This behavior not only hurts the pastor and his family, but the ripple affect greatly impacts others in the body, even the baby christians and can overturn those caught in the wake of your destructive behavior.

We are called to live a life of love. A life of GOD's love working in and through us, not just loving the way we "think" is acceptable, but loving in accordance with God's commands in His Word. We are to grow up, to move past spiritual "bottles and diapers" and develop into someone who can contribute FULLY to the work of the church. Someone who can get their hands dirty, so to speak, in helping feed and "change the diapers" of the baby christians. Someone who by their wake, is leaving a course for others to follow as they grow and develop.

So, my challenge to you is..... What type of wake will you leave?

Will you leave a wake of destruction?
Or, will you leave a wake of peace and love?

The choice is yours, but the choice should be simple.

Loving people, regardless of title, social standing, economic situations, spiritual maturity or lack of, is our greatest calling and purpose.

1 Timothy 3
1 Cor. 10:23
1 Cor. 13

Loving God. Loving People.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Psuedo Faith vs. Real Faith

Pseudo-Faith = telling everyone you're believing God while you tell them specifics of all the things you need and all your circumstances.
Real Faith = telling God about your needs and circumstances. And going from that point with thanksgiving that the need is already met.

The first puts trust in others being moved with compassion, the later puts trust in God moving with His power to prove Himself faithful to His Word! Are you a manipulator of Psuedo-Faith or a Activator of REAL Faith?

I often notice in social media and in person, some people will tell you every single burden in their life and every single thing they are believing for, usually material and/or financial. I believe some of these people have a misconception of what real faith is. It's almost as if "faith" and "believing God" and "making good confessions" are used to manipulate others into being your provider. I've never felt comfortable with such behavior. Perhaps it's the way I was brought up and the ministers I was brought up under. Raised on Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth W. Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Scott Webb, Jesse Duplantis, and many other leaders in the faith movement some of who have gone on to be with The Lord, I had many years of the Word of Faith being planted deeply in my heart. I never heard these ministers instruct people to speak their problems to others, in fact I heard them talk against such behavior. And most importantly, in the Word I have never seen examples of such behavior. What I have seen is encouragement to speak, with your mouth, to the circumstances and to thank God for His Word and Promises and faithfulness to perform His Word! To tell people all your circumstances and problems, will cause well meaning people to "feel led" to give to you, because compassion rises at hearing your need. And then, if you have a conscious, you have the guilt of feeling like you manipulated a "blessing" out of them. I speak from personal experience, I have been in a place where I was pressured and pressured because someone wanted me to do something with them that I didn't have the finances for. However, I knew this person's heart and giving personality and didn't want to take advantage of it. I kept making excuses and finally got pressured into telling them I didn't have the finances to do it, and of course they said they were providing and wouldn't take no for an answer. Even in that instance I felt so guilty. Felt like a manipulator. We never want to live life like that, and we never want to go through life questioning whether we manipulated the "blessing" into working for us, and begin to question faith. That's when we enter into works and get to a place where it's me making faith work and it's my power, and forget why faith works.

When we get unbalanced in reference to the gospel, we find our selves doing things in our own strength, using cute "Christianese" and "faith-lingo" to sound like faith warriors when really we are carpetbaggers riding on the coattails of victory, using and manipulating it for our own personal advancement and material gain. True faith works in an entirely different manner. The believer that truly understand faith and how it works appears to be facing no serious battles. Often a true warrior of faith is understated by those around them. They appear to have a carefree life never facing serious issues like WE face, by the casual onlooker. But the truth of the matter is, they wage spiritual warfare on the true battlefield. They know who their source is, and it is not people. They understand people may be a vessel, but the vessel only transfers what is needed from the source to the receiver. They understand God is their source and that He is the one who takes care of them. They may be facing battles you can't even fathom, but you'd never know it. Because they know the victory has already been won, they've taken hold of it and seized it by faith in the midnight hours and they have joy and peace because they know God will bring it to pass!

It is truly wonderful to see God bring about answers to the deepest desires of your heart, to prayers and needs you've told no one but Him about. When these things happen, faith explodes and grows. Your vision and capacity to believe increases enormously. I've experienced such events in my life as well. Once small example, my sister and I were struggling financially during our time at bible school. I had no money and was waiting on a paycheck that got delayed. We had boxed Mac and cheese, some butter, and soured milk that was gross to smell. We made Mac and cheese and ate it, feeling reminiscent of the widow woman who said to the prophet, "I have enough to make a meal for my son and I, and then we will die." perhaps our situation wasn't that drastic, but at the time it felt like it as we had no idea where our next meal was coming from, BUT GOD. We told no one, not even our parents. As we ate, we prayed over our food and prayed that our storehouses were full, even though in the natural our cupboards and fridge were empty, we chose to believe God's Word works. The next day, bags of fresh groceries were on our door. And it was all really nice, organic and top of the line! We ate like queens! We cried and knew it was ALL God! Our faith in Him and Him alone had activated the blessing in our life. Like manna from heaven, groceries we needed to survive until the finances turned around were provided, and we ate even better than we had been eating off of our own finances. When you put your trust in God and His word, it is an unexplainable feeling of joy that HE,not another person, BUT HE heard the cries of your heart and your greatest needs and HE was faithful to perform His Word in your life!

When God meets your needs, it's always bigger and better!

That is truly living by faith and in God's prosperity!

Who is your source?


Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Poster Child" Parenting

Parents - when you make one of your children the "poster child" standard for the rest to attempt to live up to, you have doomed your children for a life of continually failing to live up to your "standards." Every child has a path unique to them, that only they can walk! Smart is the parent that realizes this early on and cultivates the passion unique to each child. #yourinfluencematters

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Speaking about my Rhema Experience and the Spirit of Faith STILL being taught!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Faith for Your Future Beloved

Faith for Your Future Beloved

Today, as many are receiving balloons, chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, and various romantic gifts from their Valentine's, there are those who may not have someone. For many years, in my trying to be "cute," I referred to today as SAD, Single Awareness Day. I would joke about it and kind of drown my sorrows and loneliness and longing for romance by joking. It was a year ago today, that I changed that "tradition."

A year ago, as I was working at Hallmark and being faced on a daily basis with straightening LOVE cards, hearts, and romance, romance, romance.... I found a bitterness trying to seize my heart and thoughts. I found myself questioning God about His timing, "You promised me I wouldn't be alone in this journey, but when am I not going to be alone? I sure feel alone..... EVERYONE else has someone to share their life with...." I will never forget hearing, "Well, you can have what you say." I remember thinking, "I know that.... But I'm still single..." And then clearly I heard, "What are you saying on Valentine's Day?" Then it hit me.... What a horrible stance I had been taking! Instead of using the season of "love" to stand in faith for a future mate, I was allowing myself to get in a rut of NOT standing in faith and NOT trusting God. So, a year ago today, I changed my stance. I made a change in my heart and declared Valentine's Day no longer Single Awareness Day, but rather Faith for My Future Beloved Day! I took the time to pray for my future mate ... To pray for him to know the direction he needed to go at the right time and for me to be able to love him freely and unconditionally the way God loves me. There are many other things I prayed along these lines and I felt such peace, not bitterness, in the midst of romance being around me.
In just a years time, I've seen the fruit of some of those prayers, and I am hopeful for the full harvest that will come in my future as I remain in faith for the things I prayed out regarding my future beloved.

So, my dear single friends.... When you approach Valentine's Day (or any day, for that matter) and still find yourself in a season of being single, don't get caught in the rut of "Single Awareness Day" as I did, rejoice in the opportunity to stand in faith for your future beloved..... And don't dare compromise your dreams, standards, and desires just for the sake of having someone to fill the loneliness, because it is far better to hold out for the RIGHT one and wait patiently for God's PERFECT timing... Trust God that He has a perfect plan and a mate that fits perfectly into the plan He has designed for your life. When God writes your love story, it is the greatest story of all time... So trust Him and do your part to remain prayerful and in faith for your future mate!

How to pray for your future beloved:

Father God,

I thank You that in this season you are surrounding my husband/wife with peace as they face whatever circumstances may come their way.
Father, I thank You Your provision goes before them, that they are becoming more and more aware of just how generous You are.
I thank You that each day they grow in the experiential knowledge of Your pure, unconditional love for them and that in that experience they are prepared for having a healthy, loving marriage.
I thank You that they never lack wisdom, that when they are faced with decisions to make, they know which way to go and don't veer off the path, but stay fully in tune with the call and when the time is right, our paths will merge the way You ordained.
And Father, help prepare me to be the best spouse possible for my future beloved. Teach me how to love as You love. Grant me wisdom on how to help them be the best they can be by encouragement, support, and love.

I pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--" (Ephesians 3:20 AMP)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stinking Thinking: "This disease is my burden to bear... It's a gift!"

Many in the church embrace the belief that sickness and disease are a way in which God works out patience in us, or that it's a special burden that only they could bare and so God entrusted them with it.... What prideful, unbiblical thinking! Such thinking is full of a false humility that, "little ol' me was the only one God could give this burden to to bear and I will humbly take on this burden ..." Such thinking is steeped with pride.... But, often you'll find those same people go to doctors trying to get rid of the very burden "God gave" them... Funny, if you really, really had the "grace" and "strength" to endure this amazing "gift" God gave you..... Why on earth would you seek medical help to rid yourself of it?????

The truth: Sickness and disease is no more a gift from God than I am a monkey's uncle! Anything that brings even the scent of death or destruction is of the enemy John 10:10), and NOT orchestrated by God! God only orchestrates and gives what bring life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).
Sickness and disease is not something to embrace, it's something to be cast off! We don't embrace defeat in the world of sports, do we?? Embracing sickness and disease is the same as a runner who finished last embracing his failure as some wonderful gift to rejoice in.... What silly thinking! NO, sickness and disease are to be cast off..... And health and healing are to be embraced! Health and healing are the victory we embrace! We glory in the GOODNESS of God that he ONLY brings us a song of victory, that satan tried His best to kill, still, and destroy from us..... But Jesus conquered hell and the grave, we have a covenant with Jehovah Rafa (The lord that Healeth Thee), and He gave us a shout of victory because He brought us abundant life and all the benefits that entails!

Get your thinking away from stupid traditions and doctrines and get it in line with the WORD of God.... TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5

You are the HEALED of The Lord!

Get rid of stinking thinking,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Men Need Honor!

"A man's number one need is honor, you honor him and you can watch him just rise up! Wise is the woman that knows how to honor a man!" ~ Karen Jensen

So many young women have failed to realize this. Our society bombards us with the "normalcy" of the buffoon, idiotic husband and the intelligent wife.

This unbiblical mentality has infiltrated the christian world, but it is time for godly women to rise up.... To be the helpmates they're called to be and honor their husbands as the BIBLE admonishes them to and then watch the MIGHTY men of God rise to their ordained calling and place! Why havent men been walking in such a place? I believe it is because women haven't been fulfilling their purpose and calling as wives! It is time for women who will honor their husbands and will be the kindling that will catch these mighty logs on fire to rise up!!!!!!

Where are such young women???

Women of God, you want to see a change in the men of our generation? Then YOU rise up to you ordained place!!!!!

Rising up,