
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Speaking about my Rhema Experience and the Spirit of Faith STILL being taught!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Faith for Your Future Beloved

Faith for Your Future Beloved

Today, as many are receiving balloons, chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, and various romantic gifts from their Valentine's, there are those who may not have someone. For many years, in my trying to be "cute," I referred to today as SAD, Single Awareness Day. I would joke about it and kind of drown my sorrows and loneliness and longing for romance by joking. It was a year ago today, that I changed that "tradition."

A year ago, as I was working at Hallmark and being faced on a daily basis with straightening LOVE cards, hearts, and romance, romance, romance.... I found a bitterness trying to seize my heart and thoughts. I found myself questioning God about His timing, "You promised me I wouldn't be alone in this journey, but when am I not going to be alone? I sure feel alone..... EVERYONE else has someone to share their life with...." I will never forget hearing, "Well, you can have what you say." I remember thinking, "I know that.... But I'm still single..." And then clearly I heard, "What are you saying on Valentine's Day?" Then it hit me.... What a horrible stance I had been taking! Instead of using the season of "love" to stand in faith for a future mate, I was allowing myself to get in a rut of NOT standing in faith and NOT trusting God. So, a year ago today, I changed my stance. I made a change in my heart and declared Valentine's Day no longer Single Awareness Day, but rather Faith for My Future Beloved Day! I took the time to pray for my future mate ... To pray for him to know the direction he needed to go at the right time and for me to be able to love him freely and unconditionally the way God loves me. There are many other things I prayed along these lines and I felt such peace, not bitterness, in the midst of romance being around me.
In just a years time, I've seen the fruit of some of those prayers, and I am hopeful for the full harvest that will come in my future as I remain in faith for the things I prayed out regarding my future beloved.

So, my dear single friends.... When you approach Valentine's Day (or any day, for that matter) and still find yourself in a season of being single, don't get caught in the rut of "Single Awareness Day" as I did, rejoice in the opportunity to stand in faith for your future beloved..... And don't dare compromise your dreams, standards, and desires just for the sake of having someone to fill the loneliness, because it is far better to hold out for the RIGHT one and wait patiently for God's PERFECT timing... Trust God that He has a perfect plan and a mate that fits perfectly into the plan He has designed for your life. When God writes your love story, it is the greatest story of all time... So trust Him and do your part to remain prayerful and in faith for your future mate!

How to pray for your future beloved:

Father God,

I thank You that in this season you are surrounding my husband/wife with peace as they face whatever circumstances may come their way.
Father, I thank You Your provision goes before them, that they are becoming more and more aware of just how generous You are.
I thank You that each day they grow in the experiential knowledge of Your pure, unconditional love for them and that in that experience they are prepared for having a healthy, loving marriage.
I thank You that they never lack wisdom, that when they are faced with decisions to make, they know which way to go and don't veer off the path, but stay fully in tune with the call and when the time is right, our paths will merge the way You ordained.
And Father, help prepare me to be the best spouse possible for my future beloved. Teach me how to love as You love. Grant me wisdom on how to help them be the best they can be by encouragement, support, and love.

I pray all these things in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--" (Ephesians 3:20 AMP)

Happy Valentine's Day!