
Monday, December 10, 2012

The Perfect Fit

When you find yourself tweaking your dreams to fit a person, you've compromised. When, in reality, the right person will fit perfectly into your dreams, because God placed those dreams on your heart! At the same time He also prepared the perfect person who will fit seamlessly and perfectly into those dreams He gave you!!!!

NEVER settle for less than God's best!!!!!! The best is yet to come and I can hear the footsteps of God's perfection walking through the door!

God's Timing is ALWAYS Perfect!

God's timing is ALWAYS perfect! There have been times in my life that I've questioned His timing and the "how" and "when" and have been in seasons where I was just utterly confused at where I was in that moment and what purpose that had on where I was destined to go.
Years down the road that season that had me questioning whether or not I was in the perfect plan for my life, turned out to be a season of gleaning skills that were needed in the next stage of life! Had I gotten frustrated and given up on what, at the time, seemed pointless and useless I wouldn't have arrived to the next phase the person God needed me to be and wouldn't have been able to take the things learned then and apply them here and there.

This is an ongoing lesson, of learning to trust that God DOES have the perfect timing! Often times that dream, that seemed to be left lying dormant in your heart, was really just waiting for the divinely orchestrated time to be made manifest and to be greater than what you perceived it to be!

I'm learning this in multiple areas of life, but God is so good because He continues to show Himself faithful! And the things He has done in one area of my life, I KNOW He will do in another area of life! The same faithfulness He has shown in relation to ministry/education/career related dreams, He will show to relationship/romance/family related dreams... Because He is faithful to His promises!

So, don't grow weary in doing what you have to in this season, you stay faithful and trust Him that you will see the things He has promised you and the dreams lying deep within in His perfectly ordained time and place!!!!!!

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9 KJV)

"Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. The Lord does not delay and is not tardy or slow about what He promises, according to some people’s conception of slowness, but He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you..." (2 Peter 3:8-9a AMP)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How does God Love? How Should we Love?

What is true love?

I've been think along these lines a lot lately... God is our greatest example of how we as believers should love. He sent His ONLY Son, Jesus, to the world to die for people. He made this great display of His love by giving something of greatest value to Him, EVEN with the foreknowledge that many men would reject, curse, ignore, and abuse His love.... Yet, He STILL loved the World enough to follow through with such a marvelous act of True, Unconditional love!

Just like God faced the rejection of His vast and powerful love by people, when we seek to love people the way God loved us, we will face rejection, abuse, cursing, and such of our love.... They did it to God, how should we expect them not to do it to us.... People with disappoint you, break your heart, reject you.... But you have to LOVE them anyway, after all that's what the true God kind of love is!

Never let others cause you to diminish your capacity to love because of heart break, always allow those things to INCREASE your capacity to love! Hurt people hurt people, know the reason they're hurting you is because deep down inside they themselves are hurting, and that is when they need your love most... Even if you have to love them from a distance!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Learning How to Love

There's a difference between hearing "I love you" and knowing you are loved! How do we know that we are loved? Actions prove it to us, not words!

The God of the Universe chased us down and made a great sacrifice (Jesus) just to prove to us how much He loves us!!!! In response, I chase after Him and His purpose and plan for my life an will follow Him wherever He leads me.... because I am secure in His Love for me and He shows me how treasured and valued I am in His sight!

This is how our human relationships should be too! Great lessons for both guys and girls to learn in dating and marriage from the example God gave us.... Men initiate, chase the girl down with your love and she will respond, and follow you to the ends of the earth, but she has to have security of your love for her by your actions!

God's love for us is so vast, we haven't even scratched the surface of truly understanding an comprehending it! :-)