
Monday, August 29, 2011

Timing is Everything!

How often do we hear the expression "timing is everything" in our lives? It seems to be one of those that you hear normally in a negative sense, because you're late turning in a project or paper in school and the professor looks at you merciless and says, "Jessica, timing is everything in life!" But, the expression also evokes a positive sense!

The past weeks I have really had my eyes opened to the positive side of "timing is everything." As many are aware, July 21, 2011 I packed my bags and hit the road with the family caravan for the 18 hour drive to Broken Arrow, OK to attend Rhema Bible Training Center. What many may not know is the long path that lead me to this point.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rejected Love


I have noticed that one of the primary areas the devil targets us is in our love walk. He always seems to find the right person, to push the right buttons that push you away from them, while the whole while you are trying your best to walk in love. Often he send the people closest to us to break our heart and make us never what to extend the unconditional love we had given that person to another, in an effort to protect ourselves. Many times love is the key factor to many people’s problems. A depletion of love, being denied love, false love… and so on. More often than not, it is these people you invested your heart into, the people you freely gave to, who the devil uses to turn on you.

It is so hard to live in this world and truly show agape, the God-kind of love, to other human beings. And often, this is where we fail. We become hardened because we never want to hurt like that again. I am one who is guilty of that, having experienced past and recent hurts that push you to the edge to where you just want to shut your heart to people completely, never to be hurt again. And why is it that some of us seem to be gluttons for punishment and still keep loving people who “despitefully use us,” who speak wickedly of us, who rip our heart out of our chest and stomp it into a million pieces? Is it because we are weak cowards with no backbone to defend ourselves? Is it? I chose to believe that is the exact opposite of that and that believing the previous is a worldly view.